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static random access memory

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

static random access memory
         (SRAM) {Random access memory} in which each bit of
        storage is a bistable {flip-flop}, commonly consisting of
        cross-coupled inverters.  It is called "static" because it
        will retain a value as long as power is supplied, unlike
        {dynamic random access memory} (DRAM) which must be regularly
        refreshed.  It is however, still {volatile}, i.e. it will lose
        its contents when the power is switched off, in contrast to
        {ROM}.  SRAM is usually faster than DRAM but since each bit
        requires several transistors (about six) you can get less bits
        of SRAM in the same area.  It usually costs more per bit than
        DRAM and so is used for the most speed-critical parts of a
        computer (e.g. {cache} memory) or other circuit.
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