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steam shovel

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Shovel \Shov"el\, n. [OE. shovele, schovele, AS. scoft, sceoft;
   akin to D. schoffel, G. schaufel, OHG. sc?vala, Dan. skovl,
   Sw. skofvel, skyffel, and to E. shove. [root]160. See
   {Shove}, v. t.]
   An implement consisting of a broad scoop, or more or less
   hollow blade, with a handle, used for lifting and throwing
   earth, coal, grain, or other loose substances.

   {Shovel hat}, a broad-brimmed hat, turned up at the sides,
      and projecting in front like a shovel, -- worn by some
      clergy of the English Church. [Colloq.]

   {Shovelspur} (Zo["o]l.), a flat, horny process on the tarsus
      of some toads, -- used in burrowing.

   {Steam shovel}, a machine with a scoop or scoops, operated by
      a steam engine, for excavating earth, as in making railway

Source : WordNet®

steam shovel
     n : a power shovel that is driven by steam
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