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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Steatite \Ste"a*tite\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, fat, tallow: cf. F.
   st['e]atite.] (Min.)
   A massive variety of talc, of a grayish green or brown color.
   It forms extensive beds, and is quarried for fireplaces and
   for coarse utensils. Called also {potstone}, {lard stone},
   and {soapstone}.

Talc \Talc\, n. [F. talc; cf. Sp. & It. talco, LL. talcus; all
   fr. Ar. talq.] (Min.)
   A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or
   grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses. It is
   hydrous silicate of magnesia. {Steatite}, or {soapstone}, is
   a compact granular variety.

   {Indurated talc}, an impure, slaty talc, with a nearly
      compact texture, and greater hardness than common talc; --
      called also {talc slate}.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a soft heavy compact variety of talc having a soapy feel;
         used to make hearths and tabletops and ornaments [syn: {soapstone},
          {soaprock}, {soap-rock}]
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