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stern gallery

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Gallery \Gal"ler*y\, n.; pl. {Galleries}. [F. galerie, It.
   galleria, fr. LL. galeria gallery, perh. orig., a festal
   hall, banquetting hall; cf. OF. galerie a rejoicing, fr.
   galer to rejoice. Cf. {Gallant}, a.]
   1. A long and narrow corridor, or place for walking; a
      connecting passageway, as between one room and another;
      also, a long hole or passage excavated by a boring or
      burrowing animal.

   2. A room for the exhibition of works of art; as, a picture
      gallery; hence, also, a large or important collection of
      paintings, sculptures, etc.

   3. A long and narrow platform attached to one or more sides
      of public hall or the interior of a church, and supported
      by brackets or columns; -- sometimes intended to be
      occupied by musicians or spectators, sometimes designed
      merely to increase the capacity of the hall.

   4. (Naut.) A frame, like a balcony, projecting from the stern
      or quarter of a ship, and hence called {stern gallery} or
      {quarter gallery}, -- seldom found in vessels built since

   5. (Fort.) Any communication which is covered overhead as
      well as at the sides. When prepared for defense, it is a
      defensive gallery.

   6. (Mining) A working drift or level.

   {Whispering gallery}. See under {Whispering}.
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