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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stocking \Stock"ing\, n.
   Any of various things resembling, or likened to, a stocking;
   (a) A broad ring of color, differing from the general color,
       on the lower part of the leg of a quadruped; esp., a
       white ring between the coronet and the hock or knee of a
       dark-colored horse.
   (b) A knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually
       converted by a special process into an incandescent
       mantle for gas lighting.

Stock \Stock\ (st[o^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stocked}
   (st[o^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stocking}.]
   1. To lay up; to put aside for future use; to store, as
      merchandise, and the like.

   2. To provide with material requisites; to store; to fill; to
      supply; as, to stock a warehouse, that is, to fill it with
      goods; to stock a farm, that is, to supply it with cattle
      and tools; to stock land, that is, to occupy it with a
      permanent growth, especially of grass.

   3. To suffer to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more
      previous to sale, as cows.

   4. To put in the stocks. [R.] --Shak.

   {To stock an anchor} (Naut.), to fit it with a stock, or to
      fasten the stock firmly in place.

   {To stock cards} (Card Playing), to arrange cards in a
      certain manner for cheating purposes. [Cant]

Stocking \Stock"ing\, n. [From {Stock}, which was formerly used
   of a covering for the legs and feet, combining breeches, or
   upper stocks, and stockings, or nether stocks.]
   A close-fitting covering for the foot and leg, usually knit
   or woven.

   {Blue stocking}. See {Bluestocking}.

   {Stocking frame}, a machine for knitting stockings or other
      hosiery goods.

Stocking \Stock"ing\, v. t.
   To dress in GBs. --Dryden.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : wearing stockings; "walks about in his stockinged (or
           stocking) feet" [syn: {stockinged}]

     n 1: close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in
          matched pairs (usually used in the plural)
     2: the activity of supplying a stock of something; "he
        supervised the stocking of the stream with trout"
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