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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stork \Stork\, n. [AS. storc; akin to G. storch, OHG. storah,
   Icel. storkr, Dan. & Sw. stork, and perhaps to Gr. ? a
   vulture.] (Zo["o]l.)
   Any one of several species of large wading birds of the
   family {Ciconid[ae]}, having long legs and a long, pointed
   bill. They are found both in the Old World and in America,
   and belong to {Ciconia} and several allied genera. The
   European white stork ({Ciconia alba}) is the best known. It
   commonly makes its nests on the top of a building, a chimney,
   a church spire, or a pillar. The black stork ({C. nigra}) is
   native of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

   {Black-necked stork}, the East Indian jabiru.

   {Hair-crested stork}, the smaller adjutant of India
      ({Leptoptilos Javanica}).

   {Giant stork}, the adjutant.

   {Marabou stork}. See {Marabou}. -- Saddle-billed stork, the
      African jabiru. See {Jabiru}.

   {Stork's bill} (Bot.), any plant of the genus {Pelargonium};
      -- so called in allusion to the beaklike prolongation of
      the axis of the receptacle of its flower. See

Source : WordNet®

     n : large mostly Old World wading birds typically having
         white-and-black plumage
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