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storm petrel

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Storm path} (Meteorol.), the course over which a storm, or
      storm center, travels.

   {Storm petrel}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Stormy petrel}, under

   {Storm sail} (Naut.), any one of a number of strong, heavy
      sails that are bent and set in stormy weather.

   {Storm scud}. See the Note under {Cloud}.

   Syn: Tempest; violence; agitation; calamity.

   Usage: {Storm}, {Tempest}. Storm is violent agitation, a
          commotion of the elements by wind, etc., but not
          necessarily implying the fall of anything from the
          clouds. Hence, to call a mere fall or rain without
          wind a storm is a departure from the true sense of the
          word. A tempest is a sudden and violent storm, such as
          those common on the coast of Italy, where the term
          originated, and is usually attended by a heavy rain,
          with lightning and thunder.

                Storms beat, and rolls the main; O! beat those
                storms, and roll the seas, in vain. --Pope.

                What at first was called a gust, the same Hath
                now a storm's, anon a tempest's name. --Donne.

Source : WordNet®

storm petrel
     n : any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler
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