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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stormy \Storm"y\, a. [Compar. {Stormier}; superl. {Stormiest}.]
   1. Characterized by, or proceeding from, a storm; subject to
      storms; agitated with furious winds; biosterous;
      tempestous; as, a stormy season; a stormy day or week.
      ``Beyond the stormy Hebrides.'' --Milton.

   2. Proceeding from violent agitation or fury; as, a stormy
      sound; stormy shocks.

   3. Violent; passionate; rough; as, stormy passions.

            Stormy chiefs of a desert but extensive domain.
                                                  --Sir W.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms
            or commotion; "a stormy day"; "wide and stormy seas"
            [ant: {calm}]
     2: characterized by violent emotions or behavior; "a stormy
        argument"; "a stormy marriage"
     [also: {stormiest}, {stormier}]

     See {stormy}
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