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stretch out

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stretch \Stretch\, v. i.
   1. To be extended; to be drawn out in length or in breadth,
      or both; to spread; to reach; as, the iron road stretches
      across the continent; the lake stretches over fifty square

            As far as stretcheth any ground.      --Gower.

   2. To extend or spread one's self, or one's limbs; as, the
      lazy man yawns and stretches.

   3. To be extended, or to bear extension, without breaking, as
      elastic or ductile substances.

            The inner membrane . . . because it would stretch
            and yield, remained umbroken.         --Boyle.

   4. To strain the truth; to exaggerate; as, a man apt to
      stretch in his report of facts. [Obs. or Colloq.]

   5. (Naut.) To sail by the wind under press of canvas; as, the
      ship stretched to the eastward. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.

   {Stretch out}, an order to rowers to extend themselves
      forward in dipping the oar.

Source : WordNet®

stretch out
     v 1: extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length;
          "Unfold the newspaper"; "stretch out that piece of
          cloth"; "extend the TV antenna" [syn: {unfold}, {stretch},
     2: lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out
        on the grass" [syn: {stretch}]
     3: thrust or extend out; "He held out his hand"; "point a
        finger"; "extend a hand"; "the bee exserted its sting"
        [syn: {exsert}, {put out}, {extend}, {hold out}, {stretch
     4: extend one's body or limbs; "Let's stretch for a
        minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours" [syn: {stretch}]
     5: stretch (the neck) so as to see better; "The women craned
        their necks to see the President drive by" [syn: {crane}]
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