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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stricture \Stric"ture\, n. [L. strictura a contraction, from
   stringere, strictum, to draw tight: cf. F. stricture. See
   1. Strictness. [Obs.]

            A man of stricture and firm abstinence. --Shak.

   2. A stroke; a glance; a touch. [Obs.] --Sir M. Hale.

   3. A touch of adverse criticism; censure.

            [I have] given myself the liberty of these
            strictures by way of reflection on all and every
            passage.                              --Hammond.

   4. (Med.) A localized morbid contraction of any passage of
      the body. Cf. {Organic stricture}, and {Spasmodic
      stricture}, under {Organic}, and {Spasmodic}. --Arbuthnot.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway [syn: {stenosis}]
     2: severe criticism
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