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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Striker \Strik"er\, n.
   1. One who, or that which, strikes; specifically, a
      blacksmith's helper who wields the sledge.

   2. A harpoon; also, a harpooner.

            Wherever we come to an anchor, we always send out
            our strikers, and put out hooks and lines overboard,
            to try fish.                          --Dampier.

   3. A wencher; a lewd man. [Obs.] --Massinger.

   4. A workman who is on a strike.

   5. A blackmailer in politics; also, one whose political
      influence can be bought. [Political Cant]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a forward on a soccer team
     2: someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical
     3: an employee on strike against an employer
     4: someone who hits; "a hard hitter"; "a fine striker of the
        ball"; "blacksmiths are good hitters" [syn: {hitter}]
     5: the part of a mechanical device that strikes something
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