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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stripe \Stripe\, n. [OD. strijpe a stripe, streak; akin to LG.
   stripe, D. streep, Dan. stribe, G. strief, striefen, MHG.
   striefen to glide, march.]
   1. A line, or long, narrow division of anything of a
      different color or structure from the ground; hence, any
      linear variation of color or structure; as, a stripe, or
      streak, of red on a green ground; a raised stripe.

   2. (Weaving) A pattern produced by arranging the warp threads
      in sets of alternating colors, or in sets presenting some
      other contrast of appearance.

   3. A strip, or long, narrow piece attached to something of a
      different color; as, a red or blue stripe sewed upon a

   4. A stroke or blow made with a whip, rod, scourge, or the
      like, such as usually leaves a mark.

            Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed.
                                                  --Deut. xxv.

   5. A long, narrow discoloration of the skin made by the blow
      of a lash, rod, or the like.

            Cruelty marked him with inglorious stripes.

   6. Color indicating a party or faction; hence, distinguishing
      characteristic; sign; likeness; sort; as, persons of the
      same political stripe. [Colloq. U.S.]

   7. pl. (Mil.) The chevron on the coat of a noncommissioned

   {Stars and Stripes}. See under {Star}, n.

Stripe \Stripe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Striped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To make stripes upon; to form with lines of different
      colors or textures; to variegate with stripes.

   2. To strike; to lash. [R.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material [syn: {band},
     2: a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military
        rank or length of service
     3: V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service;
        "they earned their stripes in Kuwait" [syn: {chevron}, {stripes},
         {grade insignia}]
     4: a kind or category; "businessmen of every stripe joined in
        opposition to the proposal"
     5: a marking of a different color or texture from the
        background [syn: {streak}]

     v : mark with stripes

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        {data striping}
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