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strong drink

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Drink \Drink\, n.
   1. Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the
      stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as
      water, coffee, or decoctions.

            Give me some drink, Titinius.         --Shak.

   2. Specifically, intoxicating liquor; as, when drink is on,
      wit is out.

   {Drink money}, or {Drink penny}, an allowance, or perquisite,
      given to buy drink; a gratuity.

   {Drink offering} (Script.), an offering of wine, etc., in the
      Jewish religious service.

   {In drink}, drunk. ``The poor monster's in drink.'' --Shak.

   {Strong drink}, intoxicating liquor; esp., liquor containing
      a large proportion of alcohol. `` Wine is a mocker, strong
      drink is raging.''                          --Prov. xx. 1.

Source : WordNet®

strong drink
     n : distilled rather than fermented [syn: {liquor}, {spirits}, {booze},
          {hard drink}, {hard liquor}, {John Barleycorn}]
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