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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Structure \Struc"ture\, n. [L. structura, from struere,
   structum, to arrange, build, construct; perhaps akin to E.
   strew: cf. F. structure. Cf. {Construe}, {Destroy},
   {Instrument}, {Obstruct}.]
   1. The act of building; the practice of erecting buildings;
      construction. [R.]

            His son builds on, and never is content Till the
            last farthing is in structure spent.  --J. Dryden,

   2. Manner of building; form; make; construction.

            Want of insight into the structure and constitution
            of the terraqueous globe.             --Woodward.

   3. Arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent
      particles, in a substance or body; as, the structure of a
      rock or a mineral; the structure of a sentence.

            It [basalt] has often a prismatic structure. --Dana.

   4. (Biol.) Manner of organization; the arrangement of the
      different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable
      organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of
      animals and plants; cellular structure.

   5. That which is built; a building; esp., a building of some
      size or magnificence; an edifice.

            There stands a structure of majestic frame. --Pope.

   {Columnar structure}. See under {Columnar}.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity; "the
          structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore
          her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and
          ribbons" [syn: {construction}]
     2: the manner of construction of something and the arrangement
        of its parts; "artists must study the structure of the
        human body"; "the structure of the benzene molecule"
     3: the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their
        combinations; "his lectures have no structure"
     4: a particular complex anatomical structure; "he has good bone
        structure" [syn: {anatomical structure}, {complex body
        part}, {bodily structure}, {body structure}]
     5: the people in a society considered as a system organized by
        a characteristic pattern of relationships; "the social
        organization of England and America is very different";
        "sociologists have studied the changing structure of the
        family" [syn: {social organization}, {social organisation},
         {social structure}, {social system}]
     v : give a structure to; "I need to structure my days"
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