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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stubbed \Stub"bed\, a.
   1. Reduced to a stub; short and thick, like something
      truncated; blunt; obtuse.

   2. Abounding in stubs; stubby.

            A bit of stubbed ground, once a wood. --R. Browning.

   3. Not nice or delicate; hardy; rugged. ``Stubbed, vulgar
      constitutions.'' --Berkley.

Stub \Stub\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stubbed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To grub up by the roots; to extirpate; as, to stub up
      edible roots.

            What stubbing, plowing, digging, and harrowing is to
            a piece of land.                      --Berkley.

   2. To remove stubs from; as, to stub land.

   3. To strike as the toes, against a stub, stone, or other
      fixed object. [U. S.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is
     2: a small piece; "a nub of coal"; "a stub of a pencil" [syn: {nub}]
     3: a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt
        [syn: {ticket stub}]
     4: the part of a check that is retained as a record [syn: {check
        stub}, {counterfoil}]
     5: the small unused part of something (especially the end of a
        cigarette that is left after smoking) [syn: {butt}]
     [also: {stubbing}, {stubbed}]

     v : strike against an object; "She stubbed her one's toe in the
         dark and now it's broken" [syn: {scrape}, {skin}, {abrade}]
     [also: {stubbing}, {stubbed}]

     See {stub}
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