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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stuffy \Stuff"y\, a.
   1. Stout; mettlesome; resolute. [Scot.] --Jamieson.

   2. Angry and obstinate; sulky. [U. S.]

   3. Ill-ventilated; close.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: lacking fresh air; "a dusty airless attic"; "the dreadfully
            close atmosphere"; "hot and stuffy and the air was
            blue with smoke" [syn: {airless}, {close}, {unaired}]
     2: excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull;
        "why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a
        sense of humor?"; "a stodgy dinner party" [syn: {stodgy}]
     [also: {stuffiest}, {stuffier}]
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