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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Terminus \Ter"mi*nus\, n.; pl. {Termini}. [L. See {Term}.]
   1. Literally, a boundary; a border; a limit.

   2. (Myth.) The Roman divinity who presided over boundaries,
      whose statue was properly a short pillar terminating in
      the bust of a man, woman, satyr, or the like, but often
      merely a post or stone stuck in the ground on a boundary

   3. Hence, any post or stone marking a boundary; a term. See
      {Term}, 8.

   4. Either end of a railroad line; also, the station house, or
      the town or city, at that place.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a place where something ends or is complete [syn: {end point},
           {endpoint}, {termination}]
     2: the ultimate goal for which something is done [syn: {destination}]
     3: (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved
        out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a
        boundary marker in ancient Rome [syn: {terminal figure}, {term}]
     4: either end of a railroad or bus route
     5: station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers
        or goods [syn: {terminal}, {depot}]
     [also: {termini} (pl)]

     See {terminus}
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