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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tessera \Tes"se*ra\, n.; pl. {Tesser[ae]}. [L., a square piece,
   a die. See {Tessellar}.]
   A small piece of marble, glass, earthenware, or the like,
   having a square, or nearly square, face, used by the ancients
   for mosaic, as for making pavements, for ornamenting walls,
   and like purposes; also, a similar piece of ivory, bone,
   wood, etc., used as a ticket of admission to theaters, or as
   a certificate for successful gladiators, and as a token for
   various other purposes. --Fairholt.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a small square tile of stone or glass used in making mosaics
     [also: {tesserae} (pl)]
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