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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Testimony \Tes"ti*mo*ny\, n.; pl. {Testimonies}. [L.
   testimonium, from testis a witness: cf. OF. testimoine,
   testemoine, testimonie. See {Testify}.]
   1. A solemn declaration or affirmation made for the purpose
      of establishing or proving some fact.

   Note: Such declaration, in judicial proceedings, may be
         verbal or written, but must be under oath or

   2. Affirmation; declaration; as, these doctrines are
      supported by the uniform testimony of the fathers; the
      belief of past facts must depend on the evidence of human
      testimony, or the testimony of historians.

   3. Open attestation; profession.

            [Thou] for the testimony of truth, hast borne
            Universal reproach.                   --Milton.

   4. Witness; evidence; proof of some fact.

            When ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your
            feet for a testimony against them.    --Mark vi. 11.

   5. (Jewish Antiq.) The two tables of the law.

            Thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I
            shall give thee.                      --Ex. xxv. 16.

   6. Hence, the whole divine revelation; the sacre? Scriptures.

            The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the
            simple.                               --Ps. xix. 7.

   Syn: Proof; evidence; attestation; witness; affirmation;
        confirmation; averment.

   Usage: {Testimony}, {Proof}, {Evidence}. Proof is the most
          familiar, and is used more frequently (though not
          exclusively) of facts and things which occur in the
          ordinary concerns of life. Evidence is a word of more
          dignity, and is more generally applied to that which
          is moral or intellectual; as, the evidences of
          Christianity, etc. Testimony is what is deposed to by
          a witness on oath or affirmation. When used
          figuratively or in a wider sense, the word testimony
          has still a reference to some living agent as its
          author, as when we speak of the testimony of
          conscience, or of doing a thing in testimony of our
          affection, etc. Testimony refers rather to the thing
          declared, evidence to its value or effect. ``To
          conform our language more to common use, we ought to
          divide arguments into demonstrations, proofs, and
          probabilities; ba proofs, meaning such arguments from
          experience as leave no room for doubt or opposition.''
          --Hume. ``The evidence of sense is the first and
          highest kind of evidence of which human nature is
          capable.'' --Bp. Wilkins. ``The proof of everything
          must be by the testimony of such as the parties
          produce.'' --Spenser.

Testimony \Tes"ti*mo*ny\, v. t.
   To witness; to attest; to prove by testimony. [Obs.] --Shak.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a solemn statement made under oath
     2: an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact;
        "according to his own testimony he can't do it"
     3: something that serves as evidence; "his effort was testimony
        to his devotion" [syn: {testimonial}]
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