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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tete-a-tete \T[^e]te`-[`a]-t[^e]te"\ (t[=a]t`[.a]*t[=a]t"), n.
   [F., head to head. See {Tester} a covering, {Test} a cupel.]
   1. Private conversation; familiar interview or conference of
      two persons.

   2. A short sofa intended to accomodate two persons.

Tete-a-tete \T[^e]te`-[`a]-t[^e]te"\, a.
   Private; confidential; familiar.

         She avoided t[^e]te-[`a]-t[^e]te walks with him. --C.

Tete-a-tete \T[^e]te`-[`a]-t[^e]te"\, adv.
   Face to face; privately or confidentially; familiarly.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : involving two persons; intimately private; "a tete-a-tete
           supper"; "a head-to-head conversation" [syn: {head-to-head}]
     n 1: a private conversation between two people
     2: small sofa that seats two people [syn: {love seat}, {vis-a-vis}]
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