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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Texture \Tex"ture\, n. [L. textura, fr. texere, textum, to
   weave: cf. F. texture. See {Text}.]
   1. The act or art of weaving. [R.] --Sir T. Browne.

   2. That which woven; a woven fabric; a web. --Milton.

            Others, apart far in the grassy dale, Or roughening
            waste, their humble texture weave.    --Thomson.

   3. The disposition or connection of threads, filaments, or
      other slender bodies, interwoven; as, the texture of cloth
      or of a spider's web.

   4. The disposition of the several parts of any body in
      connection with each other, or the manner in which the
      constituent parts are united; structure; as, the texture
      of earthy substances or minerals; the texture of a plant
      or a bone; the texture of paper; a loose or compact

   5. (Biol.) A tissue. See {Tissue}.

Texture \Tex"ture\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Textured}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Texturing}.]
   To form a texture of or with; to interweave. [R.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the feel of a surface or a fabric; "the wall had a smooth
     2: the essential quality of something; "the texture of
        Neapolitan life"
     3: the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung
        together; "then another melodic line is added to the
     4: the characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile

Source : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A measure of the variation of the intensity of a
        surface, quantifying properties such as smoothness, coarseness
        and regularity.  It's often used as a {region descriptor} in
        {image analysis} and {computer vision}.
        The three principal approaches used to describe texture are
        statistical, structural and spectral.  Statistical techniques
        characterise texture by the statistical properties of the grey
        levels of the points comprising a surface.  Typically, these
        properties are computed from the grey level {histogram} or
        grey level {cooccurrence matrix} of the surface.
        Structural techniques characterise texture as being composed
        of simple primitives called "texels" (texture elements), that
        are regularly arranged on a surface according to some rules.
        These rules are formally defined by {grammar}s of various
        Spectral techiques are based on properties of the Fourier
        spectrum and describe global periodicity of the grey levels of
        a surface by identifying high energy peaks in the spectrum.
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