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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Theatrical \The*at"ric*al\, a. [L. theatricus, Gr. ?.]
   Of or pertaining to a theater, or to the scenic
   representations; resembling the manner of dramatic
   performers; histrionic; hence, artificial; as, theatrical
   performances; theatrical gestures. -- {The*at`ri*cal"i*ty},
   n. -- {The*at"ric*al*ly}, adv.

         No meretricious aid whatever has been called in -- no
         trick, no illusion of the eye, nothing theatrical. --R.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a performance of play [syn: {theatrical performance}, {representation},

     adj 1: of or relating to the theater
     2: suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater; "a
        theatrical pose"; "one of the most theatrical figures in
        public life" [ant: {untheatrical}]
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