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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thereabout \There"a*bout`\, Thereabouts \There"a*bouts`\, adv.
   [The latter spelling is less proper, but more commonly used.]
   1. Near that place.

   2. Near that number, degree, or quantity; nearly; as, ten
      men, or thereabouts.

            Five or six thousand horse . . . or thereabouts.

            Some three months since, or thereabout. --Suckling.

   3. Concerning that; about that. [R.]

            What will ye dine? I will go thereabout. --Chaucer.

            They were much perplexed thereabout.  --Luke xxiv.

Source : WordNet®

     adv 1: near that time or date; "come at noon or thereabouts" [syn:
     2: near that place; "he stayed in London or thereabouts for
        several weeks" [syn: {thereabouts}]
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