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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Thickset \Thick"set`\, a.
   1. Close planted; as, a thickset wood; a thickset hedge.

   2. Having a short, thick body; stout.

Thickset \Thick"set`\, n.
   1. A close or thick hedge.

   2. A stout, twilled cotton cloth; a fustian corduroy, or
      velveteen. --McElrath.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: heavy and compact in form or stature; "a wrestler of compact
            build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a
            thick middle-aged man"; "a thickset young man" [syn: {compact},
             {heavyset}, {stocky}, {thick}]
     2: planted or growing close together; "thickset trees"
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