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upright piano

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Piano \Pi*an"o\, Pianoforte \Pi*an"o*for`te\, n. [It. piano soft
   (fr. L. planus even, smooth; see {Plain}, a.) + It. forte
   strong, fr. L. fortis (see {Fort}).] (Mus.)
   A well-known musical instrument somewhat resembling the
   harpsichord, and consisting of a series of wires of graduated
   length, thickness, and tension, struck by hammers moved by

   {Dumb piano}. See {Digitorium}.

   {Grand piano}. See under {Grand}.

   {Square piano}, one with a horizontal frame and an oblong

   {Upright piano}, one with an upright frame and vertical

Source : WordNet®

upright piano
     n : a piano with a vertical sounding board [syn: {upright}]
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