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Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: of the back half of a stage; "she crossed to the upstage
            chair forcing the lead to turn his back to the
            audience" [ant: {downstage}]
     2: remote in manner; "stood apart with aloof dignity"; "a
        distant smile"; "he was upstage with strangers" [syn: {aloof},
     adv : at or toward the rear of the stage; "the dancers were
           directed to move upstage" [ant: {downstage}]

     v 1: treat snobbishly, put in one's place
     2: move (another actor) upstage, forcing him to turn away from
        the audience
     3: steal the show, draw attention to oneself away from someone
        else; "When the dog entered the stage, he upstaged the
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