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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Upward \Up"ward\, Upwards \Up"wards\, adv. [AS. upweardes. See
   {Up-}, and {-wards}.]
   1. In a direction from lower to higher; toward a higher
      place; in a course toward the source or origin; -- opposed
      to downward; as, to tend or roll upward. --I. Watts.

            Looking inward, we are stricken dumb; looking
            upward, we speak and prevail.         --Hooker.

   2. In the upper parts; above.

            Dagon his name, sea monster, upward man, And down
            ward fish.                            --Milton.

   3. Yet more; indefinitely more; above; over.

            From twenty years old and upward.     --Num. i. 3.

   {Upward of}, or {Upwards of}, more than; above.

            I have been your wife in this obedience Upward of
            twenty years.                         --Shak.

Upward \Up"ward\, a. [AS. upweard. See {Up}, and {-ward}.]
   Directed toward a higher place; as, with upward eye; with
   upward course.

Upward \Up"ward\, n.
   The upper part; the top. [Obs.]

         From the extremest upward of thy head.   --Shak.

Source : WordNet®

     adv 1: spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher
            position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the
            fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards";
            "upwardly mobile" [syn: {up}, {upwards}, {upwardly}]
            [ant: {down}, {down}, {down}, {down}]
     2: to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from
        childhood upward" [syn: {up}, {upwards}]

     adj 1: directed up; "the cards were face upward"; "an upward stroke
            of the pen"
     2: extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up
        staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish" [syn: {up(a)},
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