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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Victuals \Vict"uals\, n. pl. [OE. vitaille, OF. vitaille, F.
   victuaille, pl. victuailles, fr. L. victualia, pl. of.
   victualis belonging to living or nourishment, fr. victus
   nourishment, from vivere, victum, to live; akin to vivus
   living. See {Vivid}.]
   Food for human beings, esp. when it is cooked or prepared for
   the table; that which supports human life; provisions;
   sustenance; meat; viands.

         Then had we plenty of victuals.          --Jer. xliv.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a stock or supply of foods [syn: {commissariat}, {provisions},
           {provender}, {viands}]
     2: a source of materials to nourish the body [syn: {nutriment},
         {nourishment}, {nutrition}, {sustenance}, {aliment}, {alimentation}]
     3: any substance that can be used as food [syn: {comestible}, {edible},
         {eatable}, {pabulum}, {victual}]
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