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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Villainy \Vil"lain*y\, n.; pl. {Villainies}. [OE. vilanie, OF.
   vilanie, vilainie, vileinie, vilanie, LL. villania. See
   {Villain}, n.] [Written also {villany}.]
   1. The quality or state of being a villain, or villainous;
      extreme depravity; atrocious wickedness; as, the villainy
      of the seducer. ``Lucre of vilanye.'' --Chaucer.

            The commendation is not in his wit, but in his
            villainy.                             --Shak.

   2. Abusive, reproachful language; discourteous speech; foul
      talk. [Archaic]

            He never yet not vileinye ne said In all his life,
            unto no manner wight.                 --Chaucer.

            In our modern language, it [foul language] is termed
            villainy, as being proper for rustic boors, or men
            of coarsest education and employment. --Barrow.

            Villainy till a very late day expressed words foul
            and disgraceful to the utterer much oftener than
            deeds.                                --Trench.

   3. The act of a villain; a deed of deep depravity; a crime.

            Such villainies roused Horace into wrath. --Dryden.

            That execrable sum of all villainies commonly called
            a slave trade. --John Wesley.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior [syn: {villainousness}]
     2: a treacherous or vicious act
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