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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Virago \Vi*ra"go\ (?; 277), n.; pl. {Viragoes}. [L. virago,
   -intis, from vir a man. See {Virile}.]
   1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage; a
      woman who has the robust body and masculine mind of a man;
      a female warrior.

            To arms! to arms! the fierce virago cries. --Pope.

   2. Hence, a mannish woman; a bold, turbulent woman; a
      termagant; a vixen.

            Virago . . . serpent under femininity. --Chaucer.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a noisy or scolding or domineering woman
     2: a large strong and aggressive woman [syn: {amazon}]
     [also: {viragoes} (pl)]
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