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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Virtu \Vir*tu"\ (?; 277), n. [It. virt[`u] virtue, excellence,
   from L. virtus. See {Virtue}.]
   A love of the fine arts; a taste for curiosities. --J.

   {An article}, or {piece}, {of virtu}, an object of art or
      antiquity; a curiosity, such as those found in museums or
      private collections.

            I had thoughts, in my chambers to place it in view,
            To be shown to my friends as a piece of virt[`u].

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: love of or taste for fine objects of art [syn: {vertu}, {connoisseurship}]
     2: artistic quality [syn: {vertu}]
     3: objet d'art collectively (especially fine antiques)
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