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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vitriol \Vit"ri*ol\, n. [F. vitriol; cf. Pr. vitriol, vetriol,
   Sp. & Pg. vitriolo, It. vitriuolo; fr. L. vitreolus of glass,
   vitreus vitreous. See {Vitreous}.] (Chem.)
   (a) A sulphate of any one of certain metals, as copper, iron,
       zinc, cobalt. So called on account of the glassy
       appearance or luster.
   (b) Sulphuric acid; -- called also {oil of vitriol}. So
       called because first made by the distillation of green
       vitriol. See {Sulphuric acid}, under {Sulphuric}.

   {Blue vitriol}. See under {Blue}.

   {Green vitriol}, ferrous sulphate; copperas. See under

   {Oil of vitriol}, sulphuric or vitriolic acid; -- popularly
      so called because it has the consistency of oil.

   {Red vitriol}, a native sulphate of cobalt.

   {Vitriol of Mars}, ferric sulphate, a white crystalline
      substance which dissolves in water, forming a red

   {White vitriol}, zinc sulphate, a white crystalline substance
      used in medicine and in dyeing. It is usually obtained by
      dissolving zinc in sulphuric acid, or by roasting and
      oxidizing certain zinc ores. Formerly called also {vitriol
      of zinc}.

Vitriol \Vit"ri*ol\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {-oled}or {-olled}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {-oling} or {-olling}.] [From {Vitriol}, n.]
   1. (Metal.) To dip in dilute sulphuric acid; to pickle.

   2. To vitriolize. [Colloq.]

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: (H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide;
          widely used in the chemical industry [syn: {oil of
          vitriol}, {sulfuric acid}, {sulphuric acid}]
     2: abusive or venomous language used to express blame or
        censure or bitter deep-seated ill will [syn: {vituperation},
     v 1: expose to the effects of vitriol or injure with vitriol
     2: subject to bitter verbal abuse
     [also: {vitriolling}, {vitriolled}]
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