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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Voider \Void"er\, n.
   1. One who, or that which, voids, ?mpties, vacates, or

   2. A tray, or basket, formerly used to receive or convey that
      which is voided or cleared away from a given place;
      especially, one for carrying off the remains of a meal, as
      fragments of food; sometimes, a basket for containing
      household articles, as clothes, etc.

            Piers Plowman laid the cloth, and Simplicity brought
            in the voider.                        --Decker.

            The cloth whereon the earl dined was taken away, and
            the voider, wherein the plate was usually put, was
            set upon the cupboard's head.         --Hist. of

   3. A servant whose business is to void, or clear away, a
      table after a meal. [R.] --Decker.

   4. (Her.) One of the ordinaries, much like the flanch, but
      less rounded and therefore smaller.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: an official who can invalidate or nullify; "my bank check
          was voided and I wanted to know who the invalidator was"
          [syn: {invalidator}, {nullifier}]
     2: a person who defecates [syn: {defecator}, {shitter}]
     3: a piece of chain mail covering a place unprotected by armor
        plate [syn: {gusset}]
     4: a hamper that holds dirty clothes to be washed or wet
        clothes to be dried [syn: {clothes hamper}, {laundry
        basket}, {clothes basket}]
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