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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vote \Vote\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Voted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Voting}.] [Cf. F. voter.]
   To express or signify the mind, will, or preference, either
   viva voce, or by ballot, or by other authorized means, as in
   electing persons to office, in passing laws, regulations,
   etc., or in deciding on any proposition in which one has an
   interest with others.

         The vote for a duelist is to assist in the prostration
         of justice, and, indirectly, to encourage the crime.
                                                  --L. Beecher.

         To vote on large principles, to vote honestly, requires
         a great amount of information.           --F. W.

Voting \Vot"ing\,
   a. & n. from {Vote}, v.

   {Voting paper}, a form of ballot containing the names of more
      candidates than there are offices to be filled, the voter
      making a mark against the preferred names. [Eng.]

Source : WordNet®

     n : a choice that is made by voting; "there were only 17 votes
         in favor of the motion" [syn: {vote}, {ballot}, {balloting}]
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