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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Vulture \Vul"ture\ (?; 135), n. [OE. vultur, L. vultur: cf. OF.
   voltour, F. vautour.] (Zo["o]l.)
   Any one of numerous species of rapacious birds belonging to
   {Vultur}, {Cathartes}, {Catharista}, and various other genera
   of the family {Vulturid[ae]}.

   Note: In most of the species the head and neck are naked or
         nearly so. They feed chiefly on carrion. The condor,
         king vulture, turkey buzzard, and black vulture
         ({Catharista atrata}) are well known American species.
         The griffin, lammergeir, and Pharaoh's chicken, or
         Egyptian vulture, are common Old World vultures.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked
          heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion
     2: someone who attacks in search of booty [syn: {marauder}, {predator},
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