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wild leek

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leek \Leek\ (l[=e]k), n. [AS. le['a]c; akin to D. look, G.
   lauch, OHG. louh, Icel. laukr, Sw. l["o]k, Dan l["o]g. Cf.
   {Garlic}.] (Bot.)
   A plant of the genus {Allium} ({A. Porrum}), having broadly
   linear succulent leaves rising from a loose oblong
   cylindrical bulb. The flavor is stronger than that of the
   common onion.

   {Wild leek}, in America, a plant ({Allium tricoccum}) with a
      cluster of ovoid bulbs and large oblong elliptical leaves.

Source : WordNet®

wild leek
     n 1: North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish
          flowers [syn: {ramp}, {Allium tricoccum}]
     2: coarse Old World perennial having a large bulb and tall
        stalk of greenish purple-tinged flowers; widely
        naturalized [syn: {Levant garlic}, {kurrat}, {Allium
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