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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Windy \Wind"y\, a. [Compar. {Windier}; superl. {Windiest}.] [AS.
   1. Consisting of wind; accompanied or characterized by wind;
      exposed to wind. ``The windy hill.'' --M. Arnold.

            Blown with the windy tempest of my heart. --Shak.

   2. Next the wind; windward.

            It keeps on the windy side of care.   --Shak.

   3. Tempestuous; boisterous; as, windy weather.

   4. Serving to occasion wind or gas in the intestines;
      flatulent; as, windy food.

   5. Attended or caused by wind, or gas, in the intestines. ``A
      windy colic.'' --Arbuthnot.

   6. Fig.: Empty; airy. ``Windy joy.'' --Milton.

            Here's that windy applause, that poor, transitory
            pleasure, for which I was dishonored. --South.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes; "blowy
            weather"; "a windy bluff" [syn: {blowy}, {breezy}]
     2: using or containing too many words; "long-winded (or windy)
        speakers"; "verbose and ineffective instructional
        methods"; "newspapers of the day printed long wordy
        editorials"; "proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes"
        [syn: {long-winded}, {tedious}, {verbose}, {wordy}]
     [also: {windiest}, {windier}]

     See {windy}
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