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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wolfish \Wolf"ish\, a.
   Like a wolf; having the qualities or form of a wolf; as, a
   wolfish visage; wolfish designs. -- {Wolf"ish*ly}, adv. --
   {Wolf"ish*ness}, n.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: resembling or characteristic (or considered characteristic)
            of a wolf; "ran in wolflike packs"; "wolfish rapacity"
            [syn: {wolflike}]
     2: devouring or craving food in great quantities; "edacious
        vultures"; "a rapacious appetite"; "ravenous as wolves";
        "voracious sharks" [syn: {edacious}, {esurient}, {rapacious},
         {ravening}, {ravenous}, {voracious}]
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