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Scroll chuck

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scroll \Scroll\, n. [A dim. of OE. scroue, scrowe (whence E.
   escrow), OF. escroe, escroue, F. ['e]crou entry in the jail
   book, LL. scroa scroll, probably of Teutonic origin; cf. OD.
   schroode a strip, shred, slip of paper, akin to E. shred. Cf.
   {Shred}, {Escrow}.]
   1. A roll of paper or parchment; a writing formed into a
      roll; a schedule; a list.

            The heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll.
                                                  --Isa. xxxiv.

            Here is the scroll of every man's name. --Shak.

   2. (Arch.) An ornament formed of undulations giving off
      spirals or sprays, usually suggestive of plant form. Roman
      architectural ornament is largely of some scroll pattern.

   3. A mark or flourish added to a person's signature, intended
      to represent a seal, and in some States allowed as a
      substitute for a seal. [U.S.] --Burrill.

   4. (Geom.) Same as {Skew surface}. See under {Skew}.

   {Linen scroll} (Arch.) See under {Linen}.

   {Scroll chuck} (Mach.), an adjustable chuck, applicable to a
      lathe spindle, for centering and holding work, in which
      the jaws are adjusted and tightened simultaneously by
      turning a disk having in its face a spiral groove which is
      entered by teeth on the backs of the jaws.

   {Scroll saw}. See under {Saw}.
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