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Strongylus armatus

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Palisade \Pal`i*sade"\, n. [F. palissade, cf. Sp. palizada, It.
   palizzata, palizzo, LL. palissata; all fr. L. palus a stake,
   pale. See {Pale} a stake.]
   1. (Fort.) A strong, long stake, one end of which is set
      firmly in the ground, and the other is sharpened; also, a
      fence formed of such stakes set in the ground as a means
      of defense.

   2. Any fence made of pales or sharp stakes.

   {Palisade cells} (Bot.), vertically elongated parenchyma
      cells, such as are seen beneath the epidermis of the upper
      surface of many leaves.

   {Palisade worm} (Zo["o]l.), a nematoid worm ({Strongylus
      armatus}), parasitic in the blood vessels of the horse, in
      which it produces aneurisms, often fatal.
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