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The Mountain

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Mountain \Moun"tain\, n. [OE. mountaine, montaine, F. montagne,
   LL. montanea, montania, fr. L. mons, montis, a mountain; cf.
   montanus belonging to a mountain. See 1st {Mount}.]
   1. A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common
      level of the earth or adjacent land; earth and rock
      forming an isolated peak or a ridge; an eminence higher
      than a hill; a mount.

   2. pl. A range, chain, or group of such elevations; as, the
      White Mountains.

   3. A mountainlike mass; something of great bulk.

            I should have been a mountain of mummy. --Shak.

   {The Mountain} (--La montagne) (French Hist.), a popular name
      given in 1793 to a party of extreme Jacobins in the
      National Convention, who occupied the highest rows of
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