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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Churl \Churl\, n. [AS. ceorl a freeman of the lowest rank, man,
   husband; akin to D. karel, kerel, G. kerl, Dan. & Sw. karl,
   Icel. karl, and to the E. proper name Charles (orig., man,
   male), and perh. to Skr. j[=a]ra lover. Cf. {Carl},
   {Charles's Wain}.]
   1. A rustic; a countryman or laborer. ``A peasant or churl.''

            Your rank is all reversed; let men of cloth Bow to
            the stalwart churls in overalls.      --Emerson.

   2. A rough, surly, ill-bred man; a boor.

            A churl's courtesy rarely comes, but either for gain
            or falsehood.                         --Sir P.

   3. A selfish miser; an illiberal person; a niggard.

            Like to some rich churl hoarding up his pelf.

Churl \Churl\, a.
   Churlish; rough; selfish. [Obs.] --Ford.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or
          refinement [syn: {peasant}, {barbarian}, {boor}, {Goth},
           {tyke}, {tike}]
     2: a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend [syn: {niggard},
         {skinflint}, {scrooge}]
     3: a bad-tempered person [syn: {grouch}, {grump}, {crank}, {crosspatch}]
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