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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Puny \Pu"ny\, a. [Compar. {Punier}; superl. {Puniest}.] [F.
   pu[^i]t['e] younger, later born, OF. puisn['e]; puis
   afterwards (L. post; see {Post-}) + n['e] born, L. natus. See
   {Natal}, and cf. {Puisne}.]
   Imperfectly developed in size or vigor; small and feeble;
   inferior; petty.

         A puny subject strikes at thy great glory. --Shak.

         Breezes laugh to scorn our puny speed.   --Keble.

Source : WordNet®

     adj 1: inferior in strength or significance; "a puny physique";
            "puny excuses"
     2: (used especially of persons) of inferior size [syn: {runty},
     [also: {puniest}, {punier}]

     See {puny}
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