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Demdex folliculorum

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)


   Note: Face is used either adjectively or as part of a
         compound; as, face guard or face-guard; face cloth;
         face plan or face-plan; face hammer.

   {Face ague} (Med.), a form of neuralgia, characterized by
      acute lancinating pains returning at intervals, and by
      twinges in certain parts of the face, producing convulsive
      twitches in the corresponding muscles; -- called also {tic

   {Face card}, one of a pack of playing cards on which a human
      face is represented; the king, queen, or jack.

   {Face cloth}, a cloth laid over the face of a corpse.

   {Face guard}, a mask with windows for the eyes, worn by
      workman exposed to great heat, or to flying particles of
      metal, stone, etc., as in glass works, foundries, etc.

   {Face hammer}, a hammer having a flat face.

   {Face joint} (Arch.), a joint in the face of a wall or other

   {Face mite} (Zo["o]ll.), a small, elongated mite ({Demdex
      folliculorum}), parasitic in the hair follicles of the

   {Face mold}, the templet or pattern by which carpenters,
      ect., outline the forms which are to be cut out from
      boards, sheet metal, ect.

   {Face plate}.
       (a) (Turning) A plate attached to the spindle of a lathe,
           to which the work to be turned may be attached.
       (b) A covering plate for an object, to receive wear or
       (c) A true plane for testing a dressed surface. --Knight.

   {Face wheel}. (Mach.)
       (a) A crown wheel.
       (b) A Wheel whose disk face is adapted for grinding and
           polishing; a lap.
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