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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sagapenum \Sag`a*pe"num\, n. [L. sagapenon, sacopenium, Gr. ?:
   cf. F. sagapin, gomme sagapin, sagap['e]num, Ar. sikb[=i]naj,
   Per. sakb[=i]nah, sikb[=i]nah.] (Med.)
   A fetid gum resin obtained from a species of {Ferula}. It has
   been used in hysteria, etc., but is now seldom met with. --U.
   S. Disp.

Ferula \Fer"u*la\, n. [L. ferula giant fennel (its stalks were
   used in punishing schoolboys), rod, whip, fr. ferire to
   strike; akin to OHG. berjan, Icel. berja. Cf. {Ferule}.]
   1. A ferule. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.

   2. The imperial scepter in the Byzantine or Eastern Empire.
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