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Ficus carica

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fig \Fig\, n. [F. figue the fruit of the tree, Pr. figa, fr. L.
   ficus fig tree, fig. Cf. {Fico}.]
   1. (Bot.) A small fruit tree ({Ficus Carica}) with large
      leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably
      native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands.

   2. The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong
      shape, and of various colors.

   Note: The fruit of a fig tree is really the hollow end of a
         stem, and bears numerous achenia inside the cavity.
         Many species have little, hard, inedible figs, and in
         only a few does the fruit become soft and pulpy. The
         fruit of the cultivated varieties is much prized in its
         fresh state, and also when dried or preserved. See

   3. A small piece of tobacco. [U.S.]

   4. The value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; -- used
      in scorn or contempt. ``A fig for Peter.'' --Shak.

   {Cochineal fig}. See {Conchineal fig}.

   {Fig dust}, a preparation of fine oatmeal for feeding caged

   {Fig faun}, one of a class of rural deities or monsters
      supposed to live on figs. ``Therefore shall dragons dwell
      there with the fig fauns.'' --Jer. i. 39. (Douay version).

   {Fig gnat} (Zo["o]l.), a small fly said to be injurious to

   {Fig leaf}, the leaf tree; hence, in allusion to the first
      clothing of Adam and Eve (Genesis iii.7), a covering for a
      thing that ought to be concealed; esp., an inadequate
      covering; a symbol for affected modesty.

   {Fig marigold} (Bot.), the name of several plants of the
      genus {Mesembryanthemum}, some of which are prized for the
      brilliancy and beauty of their flowers.

   {Fig tree} (Bot.), any tree of the genus {Ficus}, but
      especially {F. Carica} which produces the fig of commerce.

Source : WordNet®

Ficus carica
     n : Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
         [syn: {fig}, {common fig}, {common fig tree}]
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