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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Uranus \U"ra*nus\ (-n[u^]s), n. [L. Uranus, Gr. O'yrano`s
   Uranus, o'yrano`s heaven, sky. Cf. {Uranium}.]
   1. (Gr. Myth.) The son or husband of Gaia (Earth), and father
      of Chronos (Time) and the Titans.

   2. (Astron.) One of the primary planets. It is about
      1,800,000,000 miles from the sun, about 36,000 miles in
      diameter, and its period of revolution round the sun is
      nearly 84 of our years.

   Note: This planet has also been called {Herschel}, from Sir
         William Herschel, who discovered it in 1781, and who
         named it {Georgium Sidus}, in honor of George III.,
         then King of England.

Herschel \Her"schel\, n. (Astron.)
   See {Uranus}.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: English astronomer (son of William Herschel) who extended
          the catalogue of stars to the southern hemisphere and
          did pioneering work in photography (1792-1871) [syn: {John
          Herschel}, {Sir John Herschel}, {Sir John Frederick
          William Herschel}]
     2: English astronomer (born in Germany) who discovered infrared
        light and who catalogued the stars and discovered the
        planet Uranus (1738-1822) [syn: {William Herschel}, {Sir
        William Herschel}, {Sir Frederick William Herschel}]
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