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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

China \Chi"na\, n.
   1. A country in Eastern Asia.

   2. China ware, which is the modern popular term for
      porcelain. See {Porcelain}.

   {China aster} (Bot.), a well-known garden flower and plant.
      See {Aster}.

   {China bean}. See under {Bean}, 1.

   {China clay} See {Kaolin}.

   {China grass}, Same as {Ramie}.

   {China ink}. See {India ink}.

   {China pink} (Bot.), an anual or biennial species of
      {Dianthus} ({D. Chiensis}) having variously colored single
      or double flowers; Indian pink.

   {China root} (Med.), the rootstock of a species of {Smilax}
      ({S. China}, from the East Indies; -- formerly much
      esteemed for the purposes that sarsaparilla is now used
      for. Also the galanga root (from {Alpinia Gallanga} and
      {Alpinia officinarum}).

   {China rose}. (Bot.)
      (a) A popular name for several free-blooming varieties of
          rose derived from the {Rosa Indica}, and perhaps other
      (b) A flowering hothouse plant ({Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis})
          of the Mallow family, common in the gardens of China
          and the east Indies.

   {China shop}, a shop or store for the sale of China ware or
      of crockery.

   {China ware}, porcelain; -- so called in the 17th century
      because brought from the far East, and differing from the
      pottery made in Europe at that time; also, loosely,
      crockery in general.

   {Pride of China}, {China tree}. (Bot.) See {Azedarach}.

Source : WordNet®

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
     n : large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single
         or double red to deep-red flowers [syn: {China rose}, {Chinese
         hibiscus}, {Rose of China}, {shoeblack plant}, {shoe
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