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Regiment of the line

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Regiment \Reg"i*ment\ (-ment), n. [F. r['e]giment a regiment of
   men, OF. also government, L. regimentum government, fr.
   regere to guide, rule. See {Regimen}.]
   1. Government; mode of ruling; rule; authority; regimen.
      [Obs.] --Spenser. ``Regiment of health.'' --Bacon.

            But what are kings, when regiment is gone, But
            perfect shadows in a sunshine day?    --Marlowe.

            The law of nature doth now require of necessity some
            kind of regiment.                     --Hocker.

   2. A region or district governed. [Obs.] --Spenser.

   3. (Mil.) A body of men, either horse, foot, or artillery,
      commanded by a colonel, and consisting of a number of
      companies, usually ten.

   Note: In the British army all the artillery are included in
         one regiment, which (reversing the usual practice) is
         divided into brigades.

   {Regiment of the line} (Mil.), a regiment organized for
      general service; -- in distinction from those (as the Life
      Guards) whose duties are usually special. [Eng.]
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