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Stern chase

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stern \Stern\, a.
   Being in the stern, or being astern; as, the stern davits.

   {Stern board} (Naut.), a going or falling astern; a loss of
      way in making a tack; as, to make a stern board. See
      {Board}, n., 8
   (b) .

   {Stern chase}. (Naut.)
   (a) See under {Chase}, n.
   (b) A stern chaser.

   {Stern chaser} (Naut.), a cannon placed in a ship's stern,
      pointing backward, and intended to annoy a ship that is in

   {Stern fast} (Naut.), a rope used to confine the stern of a
      ship or other vessel, as to a wharf or buoy.

   {Stern frame} (Naut.), the framework of timber forms the
      stern of a ship.

   {Stern knee}. See {Sternson}.

   {Stern port} (Naut.), a port, or opening, in the stern of a

   {Stern sheets} (Naut.), that part of an open boat which is
      between the stern and the aftmost seat of the rowers, --
      usually furnished with seats for passengers.

   {Stern wheel}, a paddle wheel attached to the stern of the
      steamboat which it propels.

Chase \Chase\, n. [Cf. F. chasse, fr. chasser. See {Chase}, v.]
   1. Vehement pursuit for the purpose of killing or capturing,
      as of an enemy, or game; an earnest seeking after any
      object greatly desired; the act or habit of hunting; a
      hunt. ``This mad chase of fame.'' --Dryden.

            You see this chase is hotly followed. --Shak.

   2. That which is pursued or hunted.

            Nay, Warwick, seek thee out some other chase, For I
            myself must hunt this deer to death.  --Shak.

   3. An open hunting ground to which game resorts, and which is
      private properly, thus differing from a forest, which is
      not private property, and from a park, which is inclosed.
      Sometimes written chace. [Eng.]

   4. (Court Tennis) A division of the floor of a gallery,
      marked by a figure or otherwise; the spot where a ball
      falls, and between which and the dedans the adversary must
      drive his ball in order to gain a point.

   {Chase gun} (Naut.), a cannon placed at the bow or stern of
      an armed vessel, and used when pursuing an enemy, or in
      defending the vessel when pursued.

   {Chase port} (Naut.), a porthole from which a chase gun is

   {Stern chase} (Naut.), a chase in which the pursuing vessel
      follows directly in the wake of the vessel pursued.
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